Thursday, November 14, 2013

REVIEW: --|SHADOWfront|-- [ALPHA] (by zaqw78)

When I saw this game in the FPS section of Games, I HAD to play it. Futuristic night-vision action. Who can't be excited?! So, I played it. Then I HAD to review it. But not in a really good way... This is... SHADOWfront.

*Looks*: 2/3
Virtual Boy is a 1995 Nintendo product.
Only shows red and black.
I can't actually say that it looks BAD, just.. meh. The guns themselves actually look good, although they could use some work. The GUIs look basic, at best. No special design or anything. The uniforms just look amateur, looking nothing like a uniform from the future. If uniforms looked like this in the future, I won't like it. But the WORST part of this is the Night Vision element. It's always green. If you turn it off, you see almost nothing. It looks like a Virtual Boy. Maps are well-detailed, however.

*Gameplay*: 1.5/3
So dark.
I have no comment. The IDEA of the modes are good, but it's execution is not really smooth, due to the map design. Look at maps in Battlefield or COR5. Notice how they have many paths and places to camp or hide. But in this game, it's very linear. For you idiots over here, linear means that there's only one path to one place. This can be an issue, as you can't sneak up on the enemy with another path or a secret one, at that. Even miked's Paintball map is more non-linear.
Anyway, the guns are very, very slow at aiming, grenades are like free models, which can't go far without blowing up as soon it touches the ground, and that annoying sound when you die...
The highlighting GUI is interesting, however, but not truly practical, if I can't see their health fully from far away. Oh, and I do understand that it's in an ALPHA stage, BUT DON'T BE SO RELIANT ON GAMEPASSES! Make a game that everyone can enjoy, even the poor noob out there.

*Scripting*: 1.5/3
The scripting is mild. I say that, because the game itself feels as if it was constructed with free models. Everything else was nicely executed, however, having smooth notifications. It JUST won't work. Creating your own guns that ARE futuristic, like having lasers, would help.

*Originality* 0/1
I don't have to explain this, right?

*Conclusion*: 5/9 (Meh.)
I was disappointed in this game, as I had high expectations for such a cool-looking game. But the execution is terrible. Try taking it from another approach, and then it would be a better game.

WORTH PLAYING? (This is new) Yes, for an alpha stage. If this was a full game (which I took it as), it won't be worth it.

Play this game here.

Friday, October 25, 2013

SPECIAL REPORT: Roblox 'Doge' Madness?

So, I bet many of you are wondering: what is this Doge thing? It's on some popular games, an Apoc. Rising ad, Shedlesky has a picture of Doge on his blurb, and loleris (Creator of Intense Sword Fighting), who changed his name to Dogeris. O_o

So, what IS going on? Robloxians all over the globe are commenting about this madness. What is going on? Are we being hacked? Or is Roblox just going plain crazy?! Well... I will give my two cents on this situation.

Seems that I gotta research...
According to Know Your Meme, (and I quote) Doge is a slang term for “dog” that is primarily associated with pictures of Shiba Inus (nicknamed “Shibe”) and internal monologue captions on Tumblr. These photos may be photoshopped to change the dog’s face or captioned with interior monologues in Comic Sans font.

How does that matter? I don't know. Just some more detail into this story. But, why does it exist now?

In the USA, it's 25 Oct 2013 (It's 26 Oct 2013 over here, and very cold, btw)
So... (I quote again)
On October 28th, 2010, a photo of a dog was submitted to the /r/Ads subreddit[3] with the title “LMBO LOOK @ THISFUKKIN DOGE,” where it received 266 upvotes, 218 points overall and 48 comments prior to being archived. 

But it's Oct 25 now... What's going on? It could be an inside joke.. You never know what goes in the mind of Robloxians.

Oh, and if you can't deal with Roblox going crazy with such jokes, you better leave.

So, that's my not so helpful two cents. Maybe it would start to get people thinking instead of complaining. Which may never happen. Might as well call this blog Dogeians, Opinions and Reviews...

View the Know Your Meme page on Doge here! (New window)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Quickie Review:Game of Tones (by Tone)

HEYAYAYAYYA! Sorry for not posting any reviews. I am going on a holiday soon, so I'm busy. I will do quickie reviews, if possible. Anyway, I'm just gonna reviews this perfectly normal game.. except nothing is normal about the game. Welcome... to Game of Tones (Not Game of Thrones.).

Welcome to the weird world of He-Man on drugs. If you had watched the original video and listened to the lyrics, you heard He-Man 'Get REAL HIGH'. So yeah. A floor with a yellow grid (from the video, of course!), rainbow background, THAT background music, and you will be morphed into He-Man. I have seen a I'm Blue gamepass, and I heard it was in beta, so yeah. It plays I'm Blue from Effiel 65, instead of HEYAYA, and morphs you to a blue thing. OH and He-Man has a sword.

Nothing. The sword does not even work. It is a funny place though, and the 'game' was not made to be played, really.

Other than the merging of 2 pieces of music when you buy the gamepass, the thing.. actually works. Except that the sword does not kill. :/

These kind of games... are not games. They are there for you to laugh, gawk and stuff. No conclusion can be drawn from the game. It's cool. Cool. Yeah.

The game: CLICK ME :D(Opens on new window)
The video: CLICK MEH :3 (Opens on old window)

Friday, October 11, 2013

REVIEW: Prop H-- Quickie Review: inkblot | in development (By redditor)

WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA, WHAT HAPPENED TO PROP HUNT? NOW ME NOTES ARE USELESS! To compensate, here's a quickie review of Inkblot, a new game in progress made by redditor, which runs on the new cirrus framework (first there's tabby, now cirrus... what next?!).
The game itself has many neutral colours, with white guns and white and grey maps. However, projectiles that are shot out are of a vibrant colour that you are assigned to every match, hence being called inkblot. The different guns are well-detailed, and make well use of the outlines feature. The neutral look of most of the game itself is interesting, yet dark.

As this is redditor that we are talking about, the game runs smoothly, even on this 2011 laptop. There are many controls that change the game, and customizing your gun while waiting for the next match was decent. It's fun, in general.

As you can see, the game itself was made using the cirrus framework, instead of the tabby framework that we are used to. Surprisingly, it affects the reduction of lag in the long run, allowing it to run smoothly, as mentioned earlier. Despite the game being in development, the game ran smoothly, without any noticeable glitches or lag spikes.

Inkblot is yet another interesting game made by redditor, with it's generally neutral tone of colours and awesome gameplay, yet running so smoothly. Redditor has made a lot of great shooter games on Roblox, and this is no exception. Now, go play it.

Play this game here. (Opens to an old window)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Roblox B&B: Cancelled?

I have plans to cancel Roblox B&B. It was really hard to find bad things about Roblox that had happened over the last two weeks, so it shall be shelved for a while until I make a new decision soon.
For now, it is replaced by 'Opinions'. Yes, I'm finally using the Opinions part of Robloxians, Opinions and Reviews. :3

Teaser review

This is my first time doing such a thing (planning on paper and posting teasers), so go guess what the game will be! The correct person gets credit from me and the person can tell me what you want ME to review! Send them to Buzzzi1824's PM box. Be quick, as it ends this Friday! :3 Good luck.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

REVIEW: ROBLOX Halloween: Trick or Treat 2013 - NBC (By lion2323)

(I apologize for taking no pictures, I was busy this week!)
Halloween is upon us. When ghosts and vampires (like Dracula, not Edward) haunt us, and when kids... walk around in costumes and trying to get candy. I really don't understand this tradition, but who knew that it would be a great game concept?! That's what lion2323, CEO of Roblox Magazine RoGo, has done. So... let's start the treating and tricking. (Robloxia Classica will start the following week)

In this game, Lion had managed to use cool meshes for costumes, ghosts, trees, etc. The map itself has a cool dark feeling that matches Halloween, and the houses are simple, yet colourful. The candy, however were just tiny bricks, and the villagers could look a bit more different.

Thankfully, the game is more than just trick-or-treating. There are costumes to unlock in the game,which help to get you more candy to sell to the noob. Certain NPCs give you missions to do, which can yield cool rewards, including pets. The missions are challenging, but worthwhile, however some are just too hard.

This is one of the more interesting things in the game. Under the hood, the game has simple GUIs, that even SAVE! It also has a store for costumes and bags (to store more candy), and asks you if you want to wear your previous costume (if you have one). It also shows your quests and their status, with pets. However, there is no auto-save present, so you have to remember to save/load by pressing their buttons, which is quite a bummer.

Who else has though of this? I don't think so.

7/10 (Satisfying)
Lion had made a few games when it comes to holidays. This is one of them, and it is excellent, as usual. However, you should know that Lion is making a new game for Halloween, but if you can't wait, play this game until the new game comes out.
(All open in a new window.)

Play this game here. (NBC)
Play this game here. (BC)
The upcoming game (Should be open in Halloween)

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Roblox B&B: Episode 1

Hello, and welcome to a new series, known as Roblox B&B, where every 2 weeks I showcase the two good and bad things that have happened around Roblox. So, here we go!

The Brilliant:

1. VIRTUAL BLOXCON! I would like to congratulate everyone who had won an award from the Virtual Bloxcon event, held on 21 September 2013. Too bad I was sleeping when the event was happening, so yeah. Anyway, the Roblox store opened too, along with a lot of virtual merch to celebrate Virtual Bloxcon. Virtual items included a Roblox Virtual Bloxcon Pass, a Limited Fedora, and a Limited ROBLOX Madness face, along with more items that I have most likely forgotten about.

2. You may have seen this somewhere before, but Roblox has a new outfits feature, allowing you to change to a certain look that you choose, with a few clicks of the mouse. This was a Google Chrome extension made by the same user who created this (Summer Intern), so those who were not using Chrome before can now rejoice with this cool feature. Enjoy.

The Bad:

1. Roblox's price floor has been set, making a large number of Robloxians go mad, especially those without Builders Club. Roblox claimed that they made this move (and I took this by the blog, by the way) to "
  1. Raise the quality of items in the catalog.
  2. Reward makers and sellers of clothing.
  3. To incentivize non-paying users to buy ROBUX."
(I am sorry for the sudden font size change. Don't kill me, pls)
And because "We think it’s better for the economy as a whole to enforce a minimum price on these goods."
I think we all understand why we hate this update, and we want it to disappear. I bet people are leaving Roblox solely on this stupid move. If Roblox insists on keeping this price floor, at least lower the price. It's bogus to make me save up for a shirt that costs more than my HAIR.

2. The Captain Underpants Book. Now, this is not here because I hate Captain Underpants, but because of the gear itself. The first pages (and i mean the cover, copyright info blah blah blah) take up most of the other pages, and they have not pulled off this stunt before. When you FINALLY get to the actual book, there are only 3 pages to flip around. At LEAST it's 1 tix, and in colour. Sorry Dave Pilkey.

So there you have it! Now let's hope that I don't run out of stuff to criticise and compliment Roblox about. 

Friday, August 30, 2013

REVIEW: Kohls Admin House [NBC Version] (by agspureiam)

Oh god. Why did I choose to review this... I HAD to do it... I hope you guys like this review, because I needed to enter 3 servers for your pleasure. Welcome to the world of admin housing(very small world)!
Good way to entice players...
I'm going to try something new. A prologue. A history behind the game, and maybe the user. I thought it would be useful.

Admin houses had been a 'popular' thing of the past, until Roblox broke a famous admin script, rendering it useless. Then, around this year, a Robloxian released a brand new admin script. It was well-received, and soared some games to new heights.
This admin script is called: Kohl's Admin.
Then, another Robloxian thought that it was a good idea to revive the idea of admin housing. Go through a simple obstacle course, and claim your admin. It earned the Robloxian lots of Robux. Like, lots. However, abusers have risen, and have ruined the experience of most. But, it is THAT bad? Let's see...

*Looks*: 1/3
Outlines finally work...
The place itself is actually very bland. A free-modelled house sits in the middle of nowhere, with an obstacle course of bricks in front of the house. In the house is an admin giver, which can't be more bland than ever. But, the walls blocking you from cheating have a nice look, and the picture up there looks cool, with the filter and whatnot. Of course, looks is not the focus in this game, it's the admin!
(And outlines work in the game's favour this time around.)

*Gameplay*: 1/3
Yeah, I gave it a mark. The fact is, there will always be immature children abusing the admin given to them. Exploding people, blocking the entrance, etc. . But when you finally find a good server (which is most likely 0.1/100), or get past the abuser and get the admin, BLOW THAT SUKER UP and have fun. The obstacle course is easy, but actually gets more difficult.
Ah, good times...

*Scripting*: 1/3
Scripting is not really.. present? Well, other than the admin giver, and the admin script. The admin script is not his, but agspureiam acknowledged that it was Kohls Admin House. Nice guy. The script that gives the user admin is honestly, genius. It deserves a mark. And to counter abusers, admin is reset during a certain time(but it failed badly.).

*Originality*: 0/1
Others have done it before (just search 'admin house'.)

3/10 (I'm judging you...)

It may get this kind of mark, but trust me, when you get the admin, you will really like the game, playing with strangers and fighting and messing with others, but it is a rare opportunity. Honestly, I wanted to give it 5/10, but the abusers just won't let me. The Robloxian is famous for such a simple game, and drowning in Tix, BECAUSE HE MADE A BC VERSION. I don't know what to say now. And a Perm Admin. Good game in earning those tix, agspureiam.


(Links clearly do not open in new window.)
Play and find the 'rare opportunity' here. (Leads to NBC version.)
BC players click this. (Leads to BC version.)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

STRATEGY GUIDE: Possession (by Narutoworl)

So, I've been playing one of my favourite games on Roblox, Possession, recently. And I've realised that the people in my server could not find the ghost easily, while I could in a blink of an eye. So, I have decided to whip up this guide to playing Possession. I apologise for not putting any user-made photos today. So, let's get on with it!

This will be in 2 parts.

The survivor's goal is to find and kill the ghost that is among them. Simple, right? Wrong. Here's some tips to help you win the match against the ghost.

1. Try not to trust and follow strangers. They could be ghosts. Trust your friends, however. But they may still zap you, so watch your back.

2. Get 50 karma. Try to stay alive throughout the game. Having 50 karma would award you the Detector, a device telling you if the ghost is near or not. The tool is manual - click to use. Wait until it has finished 'reloading'. Do not unequip it while it is 'reloading', else the tool will break.

3. Know everybody's appearance during intermission. Check if they have a t-shirt or not (they could be ties, badges, etc.), and remember the design.

4. After knowing the appearances of others, make sure to check if they are wearing a t-shirt that was not on the character. When the ghost zaps someone, they will look like that person, however the ghost's t-shirt (if the ghost has one) will still be intact. After checking, shoot if necessary.

5. Do not be trigger-happy. Everyone hates that.

6. Don't bother using the medkit that you will receive at 40 karma.

The ghost is the person who is trying their best to possess everyone. Here are some tips to let you get that extra 10 karma.

1. If you have a detector, do not use it. If you do, it would shout 'GHOST!!!', and the survivors will be more alert.

2. This counters the 4th tip of the survivors. Do NOT wear a t-shirt. Read above if you do not understand.

3. Whatever you do, DO NOT hold the possess tool while acting like a survivor. The possess tool can look like a zapper, or a brick. Be careful.

4. When you see someone coming (indicated by a red box), hide behind a wall, and ambush them if required.

5. GET 50 KARMA! The higher the karma, the higher chance you will have on being the ghost.

And the most important tip for both of the groups is...

*Know all of the maps inside-out.*

Yes, that's right.

There are 3 maps: Cemetery, Mansion, and forest. (I could be missing out on a map.)
Try to know the secrets of the map. Their blind spots, the space under the mansion, and trespassing the cemetery. Oh, and you can find the yellow car shown on the intro screen in the forest. If you know, you can avoid the ghost. If the ghost knows though, then it's a game-changer.

Well, I hope that this guide has helped you become a better player in Possession. Oh, and happy 1-month anniversary to my dear blog. I appreciate the little fans that read this, and I hope that you would spread it to everyone else, like Nutella.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Interview with: Imkakashka

Loyal fan and very good friend of mine, it's imkakashka!
Buzz:How are you today?
Imka:I'm good. Thanks. You?
B:Fine, thanks.
B:How did you get to know about this blog?
I:Well... You know, when you first said that you were moving to making reviews and such, I went to check out the site, and I actually liked it. Now when I get the chance, I go there to check for new
B:What do you like about my blog?
I:The way it's all written out. It's not like a story. It's more like you telling your friend about a cool game you played. And the ratings are also good. I first thought Possession was a free-modelled game. But now I know it isn't.
B:Well, Possession was barely a free-modelled game. When I saw it, it reeked of goodness.
B:Do you think there's a way to improve the blog?
I:Well...I think adding short videos to go along with the post will be good. So viewers
will get an idea of the game. Or maybe walkthroughs. I could make them if needed.
B:I might consider walkthroughs but most Roblox games don't have a linear storyline, so it's hard to do them.
I:I mean, not EVERY video.
B:I understand.
I:But like, say, if you review Apocalypse Rising,you can add a short video about the game, or just some gameplay.
B:If you could write for the blog, what would you do?
I:I, personally, am horrible at writing those kind of things. At school, I always get C's in creative stories and such. I wouldn't be able to handle a blog, for sure.
I:Oh, I have to go.
B: Thanks for taking time off to join.
I: Thank you.

(Edited by buzzzi1824)

REVIEW: Call of Robloxia 5 - Roblox At War (by litozinnamon)

Ah yes, Call of Robloxia 5, or commonly known as CoR5. Based on Call of Duty 5 - World at War, it has aged very well. With new features introduced to the table every now and then, it helps to keep the game fresh, and more importantly, fun. Let's take an in-depth look into this old relic that people like.
Pew pew pew...
Being a game based on World War 2, it REALLY looks like it. The various maps made by various talented Robloxians have beautiful detail, and are even useful. They really know how to build such creations. The guns themselves are great looking, however with the release of outlines, the guns have been less attractive. The GUIs are clean and simple, making them easy to use. The uniforms could use more detail, but maybe I'm just spoiled with my clothes.

Either you're a noob, or a veteran, you will find this game burning time quickly. With a wide variety of weapons and maps, being hooked will be the first thing you will be doing. However, spawn-killing is frustrating, and lack of people can make the experience boring, but it's inevitable. Other than that, excitement is all that will be boiling up in you.

The GUIs are very quick and fluent. Guns aim properly, shoot properly, you can get stuff properly, and... you get the idea. The hit detection is perfect, with nice sound effects and a voting system. The scripting just flows like butter, and I have not encountered a significant flaw in the system.

Done a million times. Sorry.

8/10 (Satisfying.)

If you want a good shooting game, pick this. You will be hooked, with its wide variety of weapons, maps, and unexpected events, you will enjoy this game with your friends, guaranteed. What really set it apart was the theme. World War 2. Just, wow. Oh, one more thing.

What should I review next?
Vote on this poll:

Play this game here. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Quickie Report:Freeze Tag =Original= (by TwoShue)

Quickie Report starts now! Today, I'm reviewing Freeze Tag! Here are my personal experiences with it:
God damn it TwoShue, the picture's too small!
Erm... All I can say is... plain. This game has not been touched on for quite a while, and honestly, the maps look... plain.
Just kidding, they are well-detailed and pleasing to the eye. Especially that picture up there. Aww yea.

One Word.

Other than that, it's actually a fun experience! Running and using platforms and stuff... Chasing others...

That bar at the bottom is well-programmed, and it gives the taggers a nice helmet too. Only problem: The bodies when they freeze. Sometimes, they toss and turn, which is awkward. Fix it. DO IT.

Freeze Tag is actually a very fun game to play with your friends and/or strangers. Other than the campers who camp near frozen people, you should enjoy this game very much. Actually, when you are the tagger, do spread out a bit to find the others, so that the game may end faster.

Tomorrow is Singapore's 48th Birthday, so it is only appropriate that I review a Singapore-themed place. Watch this space.

Play this game here! (link opens in a new window, if you didn't know already)

Saturday, August 3, 2013

REVIEW/RAGE: Name That Famous Character *150+ Levels!* (by coolgoldboy15)

Oh god why
(NOTE: Review edited due to... charm to it. 1 mark added. What a lucky bastard.)
Hello, dear Robloxians! Today we are reviewing a game, with a very common concept, about saying names... Yes, it is one of those 'name that character' games. I am still dumbfounded on why this is on page 4 in the 'Popular' section. Does this game really set itself apart from others as being unique? Or will this game be the first to earn a bad title in this blog? Well, let's find out.
Sorry, sorry. I got overboard. But seriously, anyone can make this. The bricks are not placed together properly, the stretching Mario cloud decals annoy the crap out of me, even though they look okay. And that's how this game got 1 mark out of 3 for looks. Need I say more? You're just a lucky bastard, stupid game...

It's as fun as taking a crap on the streets while being showered water on. Nobody likes being bothered while taking a crap, right? AHEM, anyway... typing out the name of a character to proceed is boring. It used to be fun, but after the idea was recycled many many times, it just got boring. But... it has such a weird charm to it that keeps you coming back to it. Anyway... You can tell most of the pictures, but for those you don't know, Google is there for you. And Wikipedia. And Yahoo. And And Wolfram Alpha. An-
Yes, I WAS the ghost in Possession. :3

Sorry, I got carried away. Again. Anyway, there's no scripting involved, except the talking script, which could be a free model, and the VIP doors, which may also be free models. Now that I think about it, this place might be flooded with free models. Like a tsunami. Ugh. I'm not even sure if the badge givers work. Lemme check... *type type type* NOPE! THAT'S JUST GREAT. Or that may be intentional, so that your friends won't know that you had just played a crappy game filled with crappy clouds and crappy noobs and crappy pictures and crapp-

The idea has been recycled many many times, and thus, not original. This mark is hard to obtain, anyway.

2/10 (I'm judging you...)

If you can't tell by my review, I really hate this game to the core of my nubby little HEART!
Avoid this game at all costs, even when you are truly bored. I hope this game burns in Hell. Clouds and all. And the creator's tix. Yes yes.

Play if you dare... (opens in new window(it's the norm!))

Monday, July 29, 2013

Quickie report: SFOTH: Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters Edition

(Quickie Review concept: I don't have time on weekdays to do a full review, so I review them quickly like this. If the game is actually good enough(or the beautiful opposite), it will be given a full review at a later time.)

Quickie report starts now! Today I am reviewing a game quoted as the 'worst promotion game' ever produced by Roblox. Is this true? Well, let's find out!
Notice that the like/dislike bar is gone? That's one hell of a foreshadowing.
Looks: The map is almost exactly the same, except for some Percy Jackson posters that do not fit into the game, and different swords from the catalog.

Gameplay: Swords are from the catalog. Some are crap, some are good. I suggest not fighting at all and just grabbing the swords if you want to earn the Golden Fleece, which lets you fly around.

Originality: Unoriginal (I already said that).

Scripting: Almost none. Useless to the game.

Overall: The title of worst promotion game in Roblox is given to the game. Pretty much almost everything about this game is horrible. I can forgive the Roblox developers for making such a crappy game this time around, due to BLOXcon (anyone of you had a good time there?).

Play this 'game' here. (Opens to new window.)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

REVIEW: Possession (by Narutoworl)

Hello readers, and I am here to review the highly popular game, Possession. (All links open in a new window.)

If the name does not ring a bell, Narutoworl has made Counter-Strike: Roblox Offensive and Team Fortress 2: FREE 2 PLAY. But today, our focus is on his new game.
The fog adds to the atmosphere well too.

The dynamic lighting is a nice touch to the otherwise spooky atmosphere. The GUI that is shown when the game starts is clean and easy to read. All of the maps are well-built, but simple. The zapper is well-detailed, and has a nice zapping effect. A nice departure from his previous games, which were not very appealing to the eye.

There is always suspense, as you wonder who the ghost is. The ghost is always careful of finding his prey, adding challenge to it, which is good. The only problem is the noobs shooting others randomly, even when it seems that it is kept in check.

Mario Lisa!
The GUI and scripts seem simple and straightforward, yet actually interesting on the inside. The only problem is that your t-shirt will still be present when you possess someone, but that is a minor problem.
Overall, it always works smoothly.

The game itself is actually based off Deception Infection by stickmasterluke, but nevertheless, it's still cool.

9/10 (Marvellous!)
The concept of a ghost wandering around you as a survivor is an interesting concept that I've never seen in my Robloxian life, and it performs its duty as a game well. I hope you will enjoy this game as much as I have while I was reviewing it.

Friday, July 26, 2013

How I review

After reading the Gun Run review that I have composed, I felt like it was long-winded and does not get to the point. It feels like it will better suit a brutalmoose video. And I'm bad at making videos.

So, I have thought of how I'm gonna review places.
(Quickie reports are different.)

1-The use of dynamic lighting. Keep in mind if the light leaks from one floor to another, this mark would not count.
2-Use of bricks well. Cframing and items with nice detail have nicer chance of getting this mark.
3-GUI (optional) The GUI has to be clean and not scattered everywhere.

1-The game should be able to be replayed without being tiresome for the average user.
2-The game should be fun to play for everyone.
3-The game should have a good amount of difficulty, depending on the game itself
(Example: Town-Easy to earn cash

1-The GUI must work properly, like the AFK button.
2-The scripts should be a game-changer, or helpful to the user in a big way. 
3-It should always work properly.

All 9 marks will be added up together and will be put in this range:
*Marvellous! - 8 to 9 marks
*Satisfying. - 6 to 7 marks
*Meh... - 4 to 5 marks
*I'm judging you... - 2 to 3 marks
*BURN. - 0 to 1 mark


If nobody or only 1 person has made a similar game of some sorts, it will be given this mark.

Have a good day! A review will come every week, starting today.

(Where's the Robloxians and Opinions? It will come soon.)