Wednesday, December 31, 2014


I've been doing Youtube for awhile now, so if you want to see more videos, look for MicrowaveBuzz in Youtube!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Why do ROBLOXians hate noobs?

(Based on my opinion. No true deep studying occurred behind this article.)
The average Robloxian will say that it's because they're annoying. That's it. But why is the average noob like this?

But before I can answer THAT question, let's go deeper than just the word 'annoying'. One word is simply not enough.
A noob is not to be confused with the word 'newb'. A noob and newb do mean that they are new to a game, but that's where the similarities end. A newb learns from his or her mistakes and is kind to others. A noob is basically...the opposite. He or she does not learn, think that they are the best in their class, expect to get praised for every action they do and be treated like royalty.  (If you want to know more, I encourage you read the urban dictionary on it, 1st answer. Don't go tl;dr on me, please.)

So, we just answered that question, so back to the main question. Why is the average noob like this?

Roblox may be a kids game, but the person sitting behind that computer screen playing roblox can be from a 8-year-old to someone who is trying to pay his or her college funds. We'll focus on the former.

This category could consist of more than just 8-year-olds. Really, they think they are in a game, so they can do anything they want. This game can have many games. It's a diverse nature, the ton of different games, and they don't get told by their parents on where to go or anything, since it's advertised as a kids game. They sense 'freedom'.

And that's why the average noob is like this. They feel... Free. Will they grow out of this stage? Possible, but had a kind of lower chance.

Written by Microwave Buzz. Should there be any other topics I should go cover?

Thursday, November 14, 2013

REVIEW: --|SHADOWfront|-- [ALPHA] (by zaqw78)

When I saw this game in the FPS section of Games, I HAD to play it. Futuristic night-vision action. Who can't be excited?! So, I played it. Then I HAD to review it. But not in a really good way... This is... SHADOWfront.

*Looks*: 2/3
Virtual Boy is a 1995 Nintendo product.
Only shows red and black.
I can't actually say that it looks BAD, just.. meh. The guns themselves actually look good, although they could use some work. The GUIs look basic, at best. No special design or anything. The uniforms just look amateur, looking nothing like a uniform from the future. If uniforms looked like this in the future, I won't like it. But the WORST part of this is the Night Vision element. It's always green. If you turn it off, you see almost nothing. It looks like a Virtual Boy. Maps are well-detailed, however.

*Gameplay*: 1.5/3
So dark.
I have no comment. The IDEA of the modes are good, but it's execution is not really smooth, due to the map design. Look at maps in Battlefield or COR5. Notice how they have many paths and places to camp or hide. But in this game, it's very linear. For you idiots over here, linear means that there's only one path to one place. This can be an issue, as you can't sneak up on the enemy with another path or a secret one, at that. Even miked's Paintball map is more non-linear.
Anyway, the guns are very, very slow at aiming, grenades are like free models, which can't go far without blowing up as soon it touches the ground, and that annoying sound when you die...
The highlighting GUI is interesting, however, but not truly practical, if I can't see their health fully from far away. Oh, and I do understand that it's in an ALPHA stage, BUT DON'T BE SO RELIANT ON GAMEPASSES! Make a game that everyone can enjoy, even the poor noob out there.

*Scripting*: 1.5/3
The scripting is mild. I say that, because the game itself feels as if it was constructed with free models. Everything else was nicely executed, however, having smooth notifications. It JUST won't work. Creating your own guns that ARE futuristic, like having lasers, would help.

*Originality* 0/1
I don't have to explain this, right?

*Conclusion*: 5/9 (Meh.)
I was disappointed in this game, as I had high expectations for such a cool-looking game. But the execution is terrible. Try taking it from another approach, and then it would be a better game.

WORTH PLAYING? (This is new) Yes, for an alpha stage. If this was a full game (which I took it as), it won't be worth it.

Play this game here.

Friday, October 25, 2013

SPECIAL REPORT: Roblox 'Doge' Madness?

So, I bet many of you are wondering: what is this Doge thing? It's on some popular games, an Apoc. Rising ad, Shedlesky has a picture of Doge on his blurb, and loleris (Creator of Intense Sword Fighting), who changed his name to Dogeris. O_o

So, what IS going on? Robloxians all over the globe are commenting about this madness. What is going on? Are we being hacked? Or is Roblox just going plain crazy?! Well... I will give my two cents on this situation.

Seems that I gotta research...
According to Know Your Meme, (and I quote) Doge is a slang term for “dog” that is primarily associated with pictures of Shiba Inus (nicknamed “Shibe”) and internal monologue captions on Tumblr. These photos may be photoshopped to change the dog’s face or captioned with interior monologues in Comic Sans font.

How does that matter? I don't know. Just some more detail into this story. But, why does it exist now?

In the USA, it's 25 Oct 2013 (It's 26 Oct 2013 over here, and very cold, btw)
So... (I quote again)
On October 28th, 2010, a photo of a dog was submitted to the /r/Ads subreddit[3] with the title “LMBO LOOK @ THISFUKKIN DOGE,” where it received 266 upvotes, 218 points overall and 48 comments prior to being archived. 

But it's Oct 25 now... What's going on? It could be an inside joke.. You never know what goes in the mind of Robloxians.

Oh, and if you can't deal with Roblox going crazy with such jokes, you better leave.

So, that's my not so helpful two cents. Maybe it would start to get people thinking instead of complaining. Which may never happen. Might as well call this blog Dogeians, Opinions and Reviews...

View the Know Your Meme page on Doge here! (New window)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Quickie Review:Game of Tones (by Tone)

HEYAYAYAYYA! Sorry for not posting any reviews. I am going on a holiday soon, so I'm busy. I will do quickie reviews, if possible. Anyway, I'm just gonna reviews this perfectly normal game.. except nothing is normal about the game. Welcome... to Game of Tones (Not Game of Thrones.).

Welcome to the weird world of He-Man on drugs. If you had watched the original video and listened to the lyrics, you heard He-Man 'Get REAL HIGH'. So yeah. A floor with a yellow grid (from the video, of course!), rainbow background, THAT background music, and you will be morphed into He-Man. I have seen a I'm Blue gamepass, and I heard it was in beta, so yeah. It plays I'm Blue from Effiel 65, instead of HEYAYA, and morphs you to a blue thing. OH and He-Man has a sword.

Nothing. The sword does not even work. It is a funny place though, and the 'game' was not made to be played, really.

Other than the merging of 2 pieces of music when you buy the gamepass, the thing.. actually works. Except that the sword does not kill. :/

These kind of games... are not games. They are there for you to laugh, gawk and stuff. No conclusion can be drawn from the game. It's cool. Cool. Yeah.

The game: CLICK ME :D(Opens on new window)
The video: CLICK MEH :3 (Opens on old window)

Friday, October 11, 2013

REVIEW: Prop H-- Quickie Review: inkblot | in development (By redditor)

WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA, WHAT HAPPENED TO PROP HUNT? NOW ME NOTES ARE USELESS! To compensate, here's a quickie review of Inkblot, a new game in progress made by redditor, which runs on the new cirrus framework (first there's tabby, now cirrus... what next?!).
The game itself has many neutral colours, with white guns and white and grey maps. However, projectiles that are shot out are of a vibrant colour that you are assigned to every match, hence being called inkblot. The different guns are well-detailed, and make well use of the outlines feature. The neutral look of most of the game itself is interesting, yet dark.

As this is redditor that we are talking about, the game runs smoothly, even on this 2011 laptop. There are many controls that change the game, and customizing your gun while waiting for the next match was decent. It's fun, in general.

As you can see, the game itself was made using the cirrus framework, instead of the tabby framework that we are used to. Surprisingly, it affects the reduction of lag in the long run, allowing it to run smoothly, as mentioned earlier. Despite the game being in development, the game ran smoothly, without any noticeable glitches or lag spikes.

Inkblot is yet another interesting game made by redditor, with it's generally neutral tone of colours and awesome gameplay, yet running so smoothly. Redditor has made a lot of great shooter games on Roblox, and this is no exception. Now, go play it.

Play this game here. (Opens to an old window)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Roblox B&B: Cancelled?

I have plans to cancel Roblox B&B. It was really hard to find bad things about Roblox that had happened over the last two weeks, so it shall be shelved for a while until I make a new decision soon.
For now, it is replaced by 'Opinions'. Yes, I'm finally using the Opinions part of Robloxians, Opinions and Reviews. :3