Monday, July 29, 2013

Quickie report: SFOTH: Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters Edition

(Quickie Review concept: I don't have time on weekdays to do a full review, so I review them quickly like this. If the game is actually good enough(or the beautiful opposite), it will be given a full review at a later time.)

Quickie report starts now! Today I am reviewing a game quoted as the 'worst promotion game' ever produced by Roblox. Is this true? Well, let's find out!
Notice that the like/dislike bar is gone? That's one hell of a foreshadowing.
Looks: The map is almost exactly the same, except for some Percy Jackson posters that do not fit into the game, and different swords from the catalog.

Gameplay: Swords are from the catalog. Some are crap, some are good. I suggest not fighting at all and just grabbing the swords if you want to earn the Golden Fleece, which lets you fly around.

Originality: Unoriginal (I already said that).

Scripting: Almost none. Useless to the game.

Overall: The title of worst promotion game in Roblox is given to the game. Pretty much almost everything about this game is horrible. I can forgive the Roblox developers for making such a crappy game this time around, due to BLOXcon (anyone of you had a good time there?).

Play this 'game' here. (Opens to new window.)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

REVIEW: Possession (by Narutoworl)

Hello readers, and I am here to review the highly popular game, Possession. (All links open in a new window.)

If the name does not ring a bell, Narutoworl has made Counter-Strike: Roblox Offensive and Team Fortress 2: FREE 2 PLAY. But today, our focus is on his new game.
The fog adds to the atmosphere well too.

The dynamic lighting is a nice touch to the otherwise spooky atmosphere. The GUI that is shown when the game starts is clean and easy to read. All of the maps are well-built, but simple. The zapper is well-detailed, and has a nice zapping effect. A nice departure from his previous games, which were not very appealing to the eye.

There is always suspense, as you wonder who the ghost is. The ghost is always careful of finding his prey, adding challenge to it, which is good. The only problem is the noobs shooting others randomly, even when it seems that it is kept in check.

Mario Lisa!
The GUI and scripts seem simple and straightforward, yet actually interesting on the inside. The only problem is that your t-shirt will still be present when you possess someone, but that is a minor problem.
Overall, it always works smoothly.

The game itself is actually based off Deception Infection by stickmasterluke, but nevertheless, it's still cool.

9/10 (Marvellous!)
The concept of a ghost wandering around you as a survivor is an interesting concept that I've never seen in my Robloxian life, and it performs its duty as a game well. I hope you will enjoy this game as much as I have while I was reviewing it.

Friday, July 26, 2013

How I review

After reading the Gun Run review that I have composed, I felt like it was long-winded and does not get to the point. It feels like it will better suit a brutalmoose video. And I'm bad at making videos.

So, I have thought of how I'm gonna review places.
(Quickie reports are different.)

1-The use of dynamic lighting. Keep in mind if the light leaks from one floor to another, this mark would not count.
2-Use of bricks well. Cframing and items with nice detail have nicer chance of getting this mark.
3-GUI (optional) The GUI has to be clean and not scattered everywhere.

1-The game should be able to be replayed without being tiresome for the average user.
2-The game should be fun to play for everyone.
3-The game should have a good amount of difficulty, depending on the game itself
(Example: Town-Easy to earn cash

1-The GUI must work properly, like the AFK button.
2-The scripts should be a game-changer, or helpful to the user in a big way. 
3-It should always work properly.

All 9 marks will be added up together and will be put in this range:
*Marvellous! - 8 to 9 marks
*Satisfying. - 6 to 7 marks
*Meh... - 4 to 5 marks
*I'm judging you... - 2 to 3 marks
*BURN. - 0 to 1 mark


If nobody or only 1 person has made a similar game of some sorts, it will be given this mark.

Have a good day! A review will come every week, starting today.

(Where's the Robloxians and Opinions? It will come soon.)