Saturday, August 24, 2013

REVIEW: Call of Robloxia 5 - Roblox At War (by litozinnamon)

Ah yes, Call of Robloxia 5, or commonly known as CoR5. Based on Call of Duty 5 - World at War, it has aged very well. With new features introduced to the table every now and then, it helps to keep the game fresh, and more importantly, fun. Let's take an in-depth look into this old relic that people like.
Pew pew pew...
Being a game based on World War 2, it REALLY looks like it. The various maps made by various talented Robloxians have beautiful detail, and are even useful. They really know how to build such creations. The guns themselves are great looking, however with the release of outlines, the guns have been less attractive. The GUIs are clean and simple, making them easy to use. The uniforms could use more detail, but maybe I'm just spoiled with my clothes.

Either you're a noob, or a veteran, you will find this game burning time quickly. With a wide variety of weapons and maps, being hooked will be the first thing you will be doing. However, spawn-killing is frustrating, and lack of people can make the experience boring, but it's inevitable. Other than that, excitement is all that will be boiling up in you.

The GUIs are very quick and fluent. Guns aim properly, shoot properly, you can get stuff properly, and... you get the idea. The hit detection is perfect, with nice sound effects and a voting system. The scripting just flows like butter, and I have not encountered a significant flaw in the system.

Done a million times. Sorry.

8/10 (Satisfying.)

If you want a good shooting game, pick this. You will be hooked, with its wide variety of weapons, maps, and unexpected events, you will enjoy this game with your friends, guaranteed. What really set it apart was the theme. World War 2. Just, wow. Oh, one more thing.

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