Saturday, August 24, 2013

Interview with: Imkakashka

Loyal fan and very good friend of mine, it's imkakashka!
Buzz:How are you today?
Imka:I'm good. Thanks. You?
B:Fine, thanks.
B:How did you get to know about this blog?
I:Well... You know, when you first said that you were moving to making reviews and such, I went to check out the site, and I actually liked it. Now when I get the chance, I go there to check for new
B:What do you like about my blog?
I:The way it's all written out. It's not like a story. It's more like you telling your friend about a cool game you played. And the ratings are also good. I first thought Possession was a free-modelled game. But now I know it isn't.
B:Well, Possession was barely a free-modelled game. When I saw it, it reeked of goodness.
B:Do you think there's a way to improve the blog?
I:Well...I think adding short videos to go along with the post will be good. So viewers
will get an idea of the game. Or maybe walkthroughs. I could make them if needed.
B:I might consider walkthroughs but most Roblox games don't have a linear storyline, so it's hard to do them.
I:I mean, not EVERY video.
B:I understand.
I:But like, say, if you review Apocalypse Rising,you can add a short video about the game, or just some gameplay.
B:If you could write for the blog, what would you do?
I:I, personally, am horrible at writing those kind of things. At school, I always get C's in creative stories and such. I wouldn't be able to handle a blog, for sure.
I:Oh, I have to go.
B: Thanks for taking time off to join.
I: Thank you.

(Edited by buzzzi1824)

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