Monday, July 29, 2013

Quickie report: SFOTH: Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters Edition

(Quickie Review concept: I don't have time on weekdays to do a full review, so I review them quickly like this. If the game is actually good enough(or the beautiful opposite), it will be given a full review at a later time.)

Quickie report starts now! Today I am reviewing a game quoted as the 'worst promotion game' ever produced by Roblox. Is this true? Well, let's find out!
Notice that the like/dislike bar is gone? That's one hell of a foreshadowing.
Looks: The map is almost exactly the same, except for some Percy Jackson posters that do not fit into the game, and different swords from the catalog.

Gameplay: Swords are from the catalog. Some are crap, some are good. I suggest not fighting at all and just grabbing the swords if you want to earn the Golden Fleece, which lets you fly around.

Originality: Unoriginal (I already said that).

Scripting: Almost none. Useless to the game.

Overall: The title of worst promotion game in Roblox is given to the game. Pretty much almost everything about this game is horrible. I can forgive the Roblox developers for making such a crappy game this time around, due to BLOXcon (anyone of you had a good time there?).

Play this 'game' here. (Opens to new window.)