Friday, July 26, 2013

How I review

After reading the Gun Run review that I have composed, I felt like it was long-winded and does not get to the point. It feels like it will better suit a brutalmoose video. And I'm bad at making videos.

So, I have thought of how I'm gonna review places.
(Quickie reports are different.)

1-The use of dynamic lighting. Keep in mind if the light leaks from one floor to another, this mark would not count.
2-Use of bricks well. Cframing and items with nice detail have nicer chance of getting this mark.
3-GUI (optional) The GUI has to be clean and not scattered everywhere.

1-The game should be able to be replayed without being tiresome for the average user.
2-The game should be fun to play for everyone.
3-The game should have a good amount of difficulty, depending on the game itself
(Example: Town-Easy to earn cash

1-The GUI must work properly, like the AFK button.
2-The scripts should be a game-changer, or helpful to the user in a big way. 
3-It should always work properly.

All 9 marks will be added up together and will be put in this range:
*Marvellous! - 8 to 9 marks
*Satisfying. - 6 to 7 marks
*Meh... - 4 to 5 marks
*I'm judging you... - 2 to 3 marks
*BURN. - 0 to 1 mark


If nobody or only 1 person has made a similar game of some sorts, it will be given this mark.

Have a good day! A review will come every week, starting today.

(Where's the Robloxians and Opinions? It will come soon.)

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