Saturday, October 5, 2013

REVIEW: ROBLOX Halloween: Trick or Treat 2013 - NBC (By lion2323)

(I apologize for taking no pictures, I was busy this week!)
Halloween is upon us. When ghosts and vampires (like Dracula, not Edward) haunt us, and when kids... walk around in costumes and trying to get candy. I really don't understand this tradition, but who knew that it would be a great game concept?! That's what lion2323, CEO of Roblox Magazine RoGo, has done. So... let's start the treating and tricking. (Robloxia Classica will start the following week)

In this game, Lion had managed to use cool meshes for costumes, ghosts, trees, etc. The map itself has a cool dark feeling that matches Halloween, and the houses are simple, yet colourful. The candy, however were just tiny bricks, and the villagers could look a bit more different.

Thankfully, the game is more than just trick-or-treating. There are costumes to unlock in the game,which help to get you more candy to sell to the noob. Certain NPCs give you missions to do, which can yield cool rewards, including pets. The missions are challenging, but worthwhile, however some are just too hard.

This is one of the more interesting things in the game. Under the hood, the game has simple GUIs, that even SAVE! It also has a store for costumes and bags (to store more candy), and asks you if you want to wear your previous costume (if you have one). It also shows your quests and their status, with pets. However, there is no auto-save present, so you have to remember to save/load by pressing their buttons, which is quite a bummer.

Who else has though of this? I don't think so.

7/10 (Satisfying)
Lion had made a few games when it comes to holidays. This is one of them, and it is excellent, as usual. However, you should know that Lion is making a new game for Halloween, but if you can't wait, play this game until the new game comes out.
(All open in a new window.)

Play this game here. (NBC)
Play this game here. (BC)
The upcoming game (Should be open in Halloween)

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