Good way to entice players... |
Admin houses had been a 'popular' thing of the past, until Roblox broke a famous admin script, rendering it useless. Then, around this year, a Robloxian released a brand new admin script. It was well-received, and soared some games to new heights.
This admin script is called: Kohl's Admin.
Then, another Robloxian thought that it was a good idea to revive the idea of admin housing. Go through a simple obstacle course, and claim your admin. It earned the Robloxian lots of Robux. Like, lots. However, abusers have risen, and have ruined the experience of most. But, it is THAT bad? Let's see...
*Looks*: 1/3
Outlines finally work... |
(And outlines work in the game's favour this time around.)
*Gameplay*: 1/3
Ah, good times... |
*Scripting*: 1/3
Scripting is not really.. present? Well, other than the admin giver, and the admin script. The admin script is not his, but agspureiam acknowledged that it was Kohls Admin House. Nice guy. The script that gives the user admin is honestly, genius. It deserves a mark. And to counter abusers, admin is reset during a certain time(but it failed badly.).
*Originality*: 0/1
Others have done it before (just search 'admin house'.)
3/10 (I'm judging you...)
It may get this kind of mark, but trust me, when you get the admin, you will really like the game, playing with strangers and fighting and messing with others, but it is a rare opportunity. Honestly, I wanted to give it 5/10, but the abusers just won't let me. The Robloxian is famous for such a simple game, and drowning in Tix, BECAUSE HE MADE A BC VERSION. I don't know what to say now. And a Perm Admin. Good game in earning those tix, agspureiam.
(Links clearly do not open in new window.)
Play and find the 'rare opportunity' here. (Leads to NBC version.)
BC players click this. (Leads to BC version.)